Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Greetings from a truckstop outside of Nashville.

My reading the past couple weeks has been lessened to practically nothing as I've been focusing on recording my newest record. Soooooo...tell me what you guys have been reading. Let's share.



  1. i'm rereading ghost by alan lightman. i'm enjoying it way more than the first time i read it because this time ghost is in my mind as i read it, not einstein's dreams. and the divine hours, thank you for that.

  2. Right now I'm rereading one of my favorite books. It's called "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. It's really great, its a fictional retelling of the book of Hosea. This is probably about the 3rd or 4th time I've read it but it never gets old.

  3. The only thing I've been reading lately is some of Keats odes. (Although my English Lit. class is now reading some of Brownings dramatic monologues, like "My Last duchess" and "Fra Lippo Lippi")

  4. I'm reading "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott, and, while I don't normally enjoy sentimental novels, I'm really enjoying this one.

  5. Bram Stokers Dracula.
    I love the classics. Never read this one before, but finally saw the movie and intrigued.

    (Elizabeth-Redeeming Love is one of my fav books of all time. I read it like once a year.)

  6. i just finished reading "something beautiful for God" by malcolm muggeridge. the fella who did a film on mother theresa and the sisters of mercys work in india. its all about them and their love for Christ. really simple but inspiring read. the best $2 i've spent in a thrift store...

  7. I just finished In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, I liked it a lot. I like how simple the idea of the book is. eat real food. good stuff.

    and I guess I'm reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau, but I've been "reading" it since August, so.

  8. im currently reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, love it so far.

  9. I'm reading One Thousand and One Nights. It reminds of the stories my Arab father tells.
